Update Jan 15, 2025 8:01PM (V1.1)

Resolving Tech Issue With App

👉 On January 8-14, 2025, our Candle Builders App in the Shopify Store experienced a API related code issue. This impacted customers ability to publish new candles to their Shopify Store with the Candle Builders App.

Note: The code issue did not impact any other function of our app or other apps. Candle Builders orders sent to us with product made before January 8, 2025 or after January 14, 2025 were transmitted to us normally. It also did not impact orders sent to us through direct Order Desk integration, Printify, Gooten, or our website, Candlebulders.com.

We suggest reviewing these issues on a desktop or laptop using a browser such as Chrome, Edge, or Safari. Mobile devices are not suggested. 

Date Discovered:
January 13, 2025
Date Resolved: January 14, 2025

✅ The issue has been identified and corrected.
Our app is working properly. However, it will not correct the issues related to the CB App publishing new products between January 8-14, 2025. Those new products will need to be deleted or updated in your Shopify Store. The technical details are not very difficult and are below. 

⚠️ Actions that you need to take.
1. Check your orders. Any orders from January 8 with products made between January 8-14, 2025 will likely not transmit to Candle Builders. They will never transmit until the products are resolved.  Look at each order in Shopify Order (Not the CB App order). and make sure all candles are showing as being processed for fulfillment. 

2. You should review the products published to your Shopify Store from our Candle Builder App (CB App) between January 8-14, 2025. Review the steps below to determine if you have a problem with your products. 

As mentioned, products made before January 8, 2025 and after January 14, 2025 are fine and not part of the issue. 

Please review these 2 possible problems you may be experiencing.

Problem 1: The CB App would not let you publish new products to your Shopify store. When the PUBLISH CANDLE green button was pressed, it simply did nothing. No new products were published to your Shopify Store

✅ Solution: There is nothing to worry about as no products were published to your Shopify store. As the issue is now resolved, you can publish candle products to your Shopify Store from our CB App. 

Problem 2: If our CB App did publish candle products to your Shopify store, the product published to your Shopify store may not work correctly. It could be missing variants, variant information, and/or not properly connect for Fulfillment to Candle Builders. 

🔎 How to investigate: You will need to review your candle products published into your Shopify store from our CB App from January 8-14th, 2025.

Go to Shopify > Products > and click on any candle product made by our CB App during the time frame of our code issue. 

Scroll down to your Variants section, usually below your product images or the product category. 

Note: Even if you only selected one scent when publishing a candle in the CB App, it would still be listed as a Variant. If you do not see a Variant section, then you were impacted. 
If your Variant List shows 1 or more products without a SKU below it OR the Price is $0.00, then all of your variants were impacted. In the example below, the Pink Grapefruit has no SKU or Price

Note: It is OK if images are not associated with a variant. That is optional.

🤔 At this point you have 2 choices. 
Choice 1: Delete the impacted products from your Shopify Store and publish new replacements.
This is ideal if you only published a few products and it will resolve the issue quickly. 
Choice 2: Update the products impacted with a Bulk Edit method.
The better choice if you have multiple products impacted. 

👍 Here is how to update the products with a Bulk Edit method. 

Go back to Shopify > Products and view the list of all your products.

Click on the Checkbox next to each Product that were impacted.  After you select 1 product, the Bulk Edit button will appear on the top right. When you are done selected the impacted products, press the Bulk Edit button. Please see image below. 



Now you will see the Bulk Edit Screen

The Bulk Edit screen will display many columns for the variants of your products.
You will need to display 5 specific columns. To do this, click on the COLUMNS button on the top right and check the columns necessary from the drop down options. The columns you do need to check are:
Base Price, SKU, Track Quantity, Stocked at, & Weight.


It is OK if extra columns are there. 

Note: Your SKU's may look different than the example. 

👍 Here is what you need to change for each column

  • Base Price
    Enter your Retail Price, which is likely the same as the other variants. 

  • Track Quantity
    All options need to be UNCHECKED.

  • Stocked at
    All options need to show CandleBuilders

  • Weight
    The correct Weight and unit of measurement as the other variants

  • SKU
    The correct SKU with the correct 2 letters for the variant scent* Copy the SKU from another variant and paste it into the empty spot. You will need to change the two letters

* Using the correct 2 letter scent code in the Product SKU field
In the above example, all the Variant SKUs are the same, except for the 2 letters that represent the scent. To fill in the empty SKU field, copy any other variant from the same product and paste it in the field. Then, update the 2 letters
Here is the full list of scents and their 2 letter SKU
Comfort Spice: CS
Sea Breeze: SB
Vanilla Bean: VB
Pink Grapefruit: PG
Fresh Balsam: BC
Spiced Pumpkin Ginger: PM
Eucalyptus Lavender Herb: EL

In the image above, the first product has an empty field for the SKU with the variant Eucalyptus Lavender Herb. I copied the SKU below it, TEST26-PM-2-BG-W23, and pasted TEST26-PM-2-BG-W23 into the empty field. Because that Variant is Eucalyptus Lavender Herb, I changed the "PM" to "EL", making the SKU TEST26-EL-2-BG-W23

When all changes have been made, press SAVE on the top right. Below is an image that shows the sections changes for 2 products that were Bulk Edited.



✅ When the Save finished, you are done with these products!
From here, the products should work as expected and properly Fulfill at Candle Builders.  

We apologize for this disruption to your business. The situation is not ideal and we tried to resolve it as quickly as we could. Of course, if you have any question or need help, please CONTACT US