🚀 Label Specs & Design Ideas
Setting Up Labels For Your Candles
Are you stuck on designing your labels for our candles? No problem! Below are the details you will need to understand the specification for printing labels for our private label candles. Also, we offer some artistic suggestions for your label designs.
Pro Tip 1: Your artwork will print to the label exactly as shown in our mockup. This includes edge-to-edge with no border or bleed necessary.
Pro Tip 2: If you want your labels to print in full vivid color, select jars with white labels on them. Kraft labels are for dark line art and give your product a more vintage look.
Pro Tips
Our labels vary in size and shape depending on the candle jar.
When creating a label, you will want to make sure your canvas or artboard is the exact same shape as the label. You can use Photoshop, Illustrator, Canva, or just about any decent graphics program. You can also make labels from some of our templates on our Mockup Tool Page.
For example, our 9oz candle labels are 3"x2" (width x height). In the label specs down below, it says to set your canvas or artboard size to exactly 900px wide by 600px tall.
On websites such as Canva, there may be labels sized at 6"x4". This will work because it is the same size ratio (3:2) as out 3"x2" label.
Bigger artboards can be better! That way the resolution is higher quality when you export your label out of your art program. The Canva 6"x4" is a good example of this. In Photoshop or Illustrator, you can make your artboard 1800px by 1200px.
Exporting or Downloading Your Label Art File
When you export/download your label art file, you will want to ensure the dimensions match the size and size ratio maintain that size ratio.
If you label needs to be 900px x 600px, and it is 899px x 599px, the label will not print correctly.
Also, export at the highest resolution possible with transparency in a PNG file. Unless your artwork is almost blank, your file size should be at least 60kb. Ideally it will be 150kb or more.
Our printers are extremely accurate and will print right to the edge with perfection. If you see border white border lines on your screen, your label will print with the same white border lines.
Testing Your Labels
Computer screens are BIGGER than our label sizes, which can throw off your perspective. To truly see how your label will look, print it at home at the same size your label should be. This way you will notice if any artwork or text area are too small or thin to read.
Pro Tip: Stick with solid colors and avoid being "fancy" Skip the gradient background or fills. Avoid text that has thin sections because they may not be seen when reduced in size. Art and font colors should contrast with the background. A white background means you should use mid to darker colors for your art & text. A dark background means you should use white or a very light color for your art and text.
9oz Jar
Jar Specifications
Height:Â 3.5" (8.89cm)
Diameter:Â 2.9" (7.4cm)
Weight:Â 13.7oz (388g)
Label Specs (Exact)- Size: 3" x 2"
- Recommended format: PNG, 300dpi
- Minimum resolution: 900px x 600px
- Larger files accepted (maintain 3:2 ratio)
- We print 100% to the edge with no bleed or label edge concerns.
13.75oz Jar
Jar Specifications
Height:Â 5.25" (13.34cm)
Diameter:Â 2.95" (7.4cm)
Weight:1lb 6oz (624g)
Label Specs (Exact)- Size: 3" Wide x 3.75" Tall
- Recommended format: PNG, 300dpi
- Minimum resolution: 900px x 1125px
- Larger files accepted (maintain 1:1.25 ratio)
- We print 100% to the edge with no bleed or label edge concerns.
4oz Jar
Jar Specifications
Height:Â 2.5" (6.35cm)
Diameter:Â 2.4" (6.1.cm)
Weight:Â 11.0oz (312g)
Label Specs (Exact)- Size: 2.25" x 1.5"
- Recommended format: PNG, 300dpi
- Minimum resolution: 900px x 600px
- Larger files accepted (maintain 3:2 ratio)
- We print 100% to the edge with no bleed or label edge concerns.